Christians in Unorthodox Churches


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Apr 18, 2012
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There are numerous church groups that are unorthodox when it comes to salvation and many believe anyone associated with those particular groups can't really be saved. I refer to Roman Catholicism, Jehovah Witnesses, the Church of Christ (which teaches baptismal regeneration), among others. I was reading an article about Glenn Beck who converted to Mormonism from Roman Catholicism in 1999 who holds to salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ for salvation. Here are some quotes by Beck. "Salvation is an individual relationship between the individual and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. . . Jesus said, John 14:6, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ I cannot be saved for you. I cannot save you. I can’t even save myself. If you’re a Christian you believe that Jesus can save you.”
“Here is traditional Christianity. Jesus died, two thieves over here. He took on the sins of the world by choice. The empty tomb represents that he conquered death. He was not a victim because he did it by choice. He’s not a victim, he’s a victor. He was a conqueror. He conquered death. Got it? To receive his salvation you accept his forgiveness of sin, and live your life, according to his will. That’s what every Christian church in the country, in the world, believes. This is biblical.”

Do most people on this forum believe there are saved Mormons, Roman Catholics, even Jehovah Witnesses that are secretely orthodox and saved but remain in those denominations because of family or simply not understading the dangers of those teachings? I believe many Baptist, Presbyterian and other evangelical churches are filled with lost people who were raised in orthodox churches and are as straight as a gun barrel when it comes to the doctrinal beliefs of salvation but have never been born again. I find it hard to reconcile that someone staying in what is obviously a church that teaches damnable doctrines is truly saved but I also have to believe only God knows who will be eventually be told "I never knew you."
Sure, but why do you spiritualize Rev. 20 and Matt. 24? Even R. C. Sproul and John MacArthur could get along despite their differences. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
There are numerous church groups that are unorthodox when it comes to salvation and many believe anyone associated with those particular groups can't really be saved. I refer to Roman Catholicism, Jehovah Witnesses, the Church of Christ (which teaches baptismal regeneration), among others. I was reading an article about Glenn Beck who converted to Mormonism from Roman Catholicism in 1999 who holds to salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ for salvation. Here are some quotes by Beck. "Salvation is an individual relationship between the individual and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. . . Jesus said, John 14:6, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ I cannot be saved for you. I cannot save you. I can’t even save myself. If you’re a Christian you believe that Jesus can save you.”
“Here is traditional Christianity. Jesus died, two thieves over here. He took on the sins of the world by choice. The empty tomb represents that he conquered death. He was not a victim because he did it by choice. He’s not a victim, he’s a victor. He was a conqueror. He conquered death. Got it? To receive his salvation you accept his forgiveness of sin, and live your life, according to his will. That’s what every Christian church in the country, in the world, believes. This is biblical.”

Do most people on this forum believe there are saved Mormons, Roman Catholics, even Jehovah Witnesses that are secretely orthodox and saved but remain in those denominations because of family or simply not understading the dangers of those teachings? I believe many Baptist, Presbyterian and other evangelical churches are filled with lost people who were raised in orthodox churches and are as straight as a gun barrel when it comes to the doctrinal beliefs of salvation but have never been born again. I find it hard to reconcile that someone staying in what is obviously a church that teaches damnable doctrines is truly saved but I also have to believe only God knows who will be eventually be told "I never knew you."
catholics? - yes .... mormons? - no.... ... modern day mormons are like chameleons.... they will change what kind of faith they profess to depending on who is listening and what kind of power that person has.... they defend being that way by pointing to persecution they say joseph smith and his first followers suffered in the 1800s... (and hence the reason they say their ancestors had to flee to the salt lake area in utah)....

but i have seen mormons in their element when they didn;t think they had to impress anybody - and the statements of faith i heard from them were nothing like what you say glen beck said.. ..... fact the mormons primary statement of faith and belief says .... "as man is - God once was - as God is - man may become"..... . ...... i have heard more than one of them spout that off proudly .... then a few seconds they will attempt to explain how Jesus and the devil were brothers...... their well known obsession with studying geneology is all about finding the records of women throughout history that were never married then marrying them by proxy to 32nd degree temple mormons..... . it;s how they get around laws against polygamy - and it;s what their daily ceremonies in their temples are all about... .......marrying the dead and also being baptized for the dead since a temple mormon can;t marry a woman - (even one dead for hundreds of years) - if she was never baptized............ ......there is much more weird stuff about mormons than just this... . but it would take a book to even scratch the surface of it.....

but as for catholics... there are a lot of saved people in catholic churches.... ... in fact i would say there is just as many saved people attending catholic churches as there are unsaved people in the baptist ones...... .. both groups know they don;t believe the majority of what is taught in the church they attend - but they stay there for a variety of different reasons.....
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